To wrap yourself up, bit by bit, in the simple wisdom of Wiseheart Whispers, is to remember what is really important. Entwined in beautiful watercolours, Charnita’s words echo all that I’ve come to love and depend on in the world – and all that we often forget in the rushed urgency of our everyday lives. “What if the significance of our destination lay in the experience of the journey itself?”, she asks. This little book reminds us that the steps we take each day and the quality of each moment of our life is perhaps all that really matters.
Praise For Wiseheart Whispers!

Shaheen Mistry

Prof. Meenakshi Gopinath
Wiseheart Whispers are musings on love, life, and happiness that gently stir the rhythms of the inner recesses of our consciousness with a cadence that is profound and delightful. Charnita weaves a magical tapestry of mindfulness through aphorisms both expansive and uplifting. Wiseheart touches us with the innocence of the child, the wisdom of the Master and the abandon of the Dervish…The delightful illustrations of Wiseheart conjure up nostalgic connections with the secret gardens of our childhood and the sense of wonder that keeps the music of the spheres alive within us.

Vivek Suneja
Just as it is hard, if not impossible, to describe the exquisite beauty of a rose full of colour and fragrance and life, it is difficult to do justice to ‘Wiseheart Whispers’ by Charnita Arora in mere words. This little gem of a book, beautifully illustrated too, is full of profound wisdom, yet so light hearted in its carriage. It contains deep and insightful reflections on much that matters most in our lives: love, fear, joy, innocence, conflict, depression, misunderstanding, healing, hope and much more. We end up listening to the quiet, wise whispers of own own heart, which so often are drowned out by our noisy minds. If you wish to reconnect with life, peace and happiness, read this book. A perfect gift for yourself and your loved ones.

Annurag Batra
Wiseheart isn’t that an oxymoron, hold on, it’s about balance, it’s about doing the right thing for the right reason in the right manner. Charnita’s Wiseheart Whispers is the perfect antidote to a person seeking balance, abundance and happiness. It’s about the essential with love experienced the right way. I like the simplicity and practicality of the book. I have read many books in the genre of emotional wellbeing but Charinta’s book stands out for being a snacky and easy read. It’s so relatable. It helps you slow down. The summary and blurbs give you gist and takeaways. I loved the book and it has become my companion.

Dr Babli Saraf
Wiseheart Whispers is full of equanimity, strategies and actual hands-on skills, to deal with our everyday. It’s going to be my little book of life, which is actually very big on wisdom. It is full of love, compassion and gratitude, all of which we undervalue in our living. Thank you for reminding me.

Nimo Patel
In Wiseheart Whispers, Charnita takes us into daily ahh-moments – that become our daily practices. We begin looking forward to reading a page or two a day, to continue our journey in spiritual practices. True spirituality is simple and practical. Wiseheart gives us that bridge to walk on and cross over to the world of being.

Dr. Ramesh Bijlani
Wiseheart Whispers is a collection of pearls caught in moments of conscious contact with the Creator. The book has about fifty flashes of insight, filtered by a simple and spontaneous heart. The outpourings so received have been crafted with care by a receptive intellect that has made no attempt to rationalize what is beyond rationality. The result is timeless wisdom in shorthand. Charnita is a wise heart who shares rather than preach. Going through the book may create waves of ‘read, resonate and rejoice’, or ‘read, reflect and go on a quest’. Either way, the book is worth a read.

About Charnita
Charnita Arora is India’s leading True Presence Expert, Mindfulness Author, a TEDx Speaker, Cambridge Scholar, DU Gold Medalist, Former Assistant Professor and the founder of Perfect Life Spot. She has trained thousands of professionals in Mindfulness, EI (Emotional Intelligence) and Non-Violent Communication. Her book Mindfulness for Beginners in Plain English has received worldwide recognition as a succinct manual for everyday mindfulness.
Her own training comes from having attended courses with HH Dalai Lama and Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
Her articles can be relished on Elephant Journal, Elite Daily, Yahoo, TheHealthSite, Business world, and so on. Her bite on Digital Mindfulness (on NDTV) is especially a must-watch. In fact, she was awarded as the winner of Science Slam by the German House of Research and Innovation, for her research on ‘the Socio-Psychological impact of Facebook on our lives’. In 2017, Women’s Economic Forum awarded her as the Youth Icon of the year for her inspiring work in the area of holistic wellbeing.
About Priya
Priya Patil is a Pune-based visual artist who loves giving life to images and doing pottery. She lovingly volunteered to illustrate Wiseheart Whispers. She can be reached at:
Click For Ideas & Inspiration From
With an attention span of less than fifteen minutes, the modern-day seeker seeks wisdom on the internet. With many browser tabs open on multiple screens (!), what one gets instead is a bombardment of information. With the quantity and the quality of data we receive every day, we often feel overstimulated, distracted and restless amidst this ‘carnival of distraction’ [1]. This is the story of our digital world, the age of information-overload and (dis)connection.
We then long for a way of connecting with what calms us, grounds us, and speaks to us gently, lovingly and simply.
No judgment. No preaching. No jargon. Nothing intimidating. Nothing extra. Something that is powerful enough to get us off the overstimulating media consumption loop and have us tune into a different experience of connection within. And yet, something that does not require too much of thinking and still brings a remarkable shift in our perception, makes us wiser. So that we can understand and integrate our life (with all its inevitables) with more clarity, understanding, compassion, courage and grace.
How would it be if someone could share life-relevant wisdom in a way that is simple, loving and embalming?
The kind of connection that re-anchors us in those essential parts of ourselves that we seek outside of us. A wise-heart that has the wisdom of a mother and the heart of a child; a safe place to be.
[1] The phrase ‘carnival of distraction’ is taken from Ms Charnita Arora’s bite on Digital Mindfulness on NDTV
Wiseheart Whispers is an illustrated book of sutras on different aspects of being alive. It encompasses themes such as existence, nature, desire, destiny, purpose, emotions, relationships, past choices, vulnerability, healing, beauty, creativity, gratitude, love and so on. Sutras are short yet powerful utterances with little conceptual elaboration[1]. This book has a total of fifty wisdom sutras to provide nurturing for the difficult and celebration for the good times. It joyfully rejuvenates the reader with life-affirming perspectives, when life shows up in its bright side as creativity, beauty, joy, love and fulfillment in relationships. And, it compassionately supports the reader with transformative insights, when life shows up in its shadow side as fear, pain, regret, loss, separation or conflict. This book is a wise companion for all shades of life.
This form has been employed in the most ancient of recorded spiritual teachings: the sutras of ancient India. They are often seen as formulae of living life wisely.
Each Wiseheart Whisper or sutra is accompanied by a brief reflection. Simple in their language and sentence structure, these accompanying explorations are unhurried in pace and poetic in composition. They are precise, interactive and contemplative.
The central consciousness who speaks to us in these whispers is personified as the character of Wiseheart. She is gentle and graceful. She inspires connection with the child within us. She reminds us of who we are and points the way back home. Wiseheart is a child who has not forgotten her true identity. Children are the happiest; they are wise in an intuitive way. With time, we forget our natural wisdom. Growing up must be about transcending the childish and retaining the childlike. If we could reconnect to our inner-child, we would restore our intuitive joy, fearlessness and aliveness. This is the transformation of consciousness.
A unique, hand-drawn sketch complements each sutra and makes the readers’ engagement doubly joyful. The medium of the visual, just like music, bypasses unnecessary thinking. It is the most direct and powerful way of conveying information. These drawings are inspired by the heart, and so, they are charged with the power to speak to the heart. There is no pompousness or extra detail. Neither are they transliteration of the written content. They come with a life of their own to inspire freedom and timelessness that comes with daydreaming and imagining. Each drawing is an invitation to go inside, to slow down, to feel, to observe and to notice how life moves within us.
Wisdom is essential for a wholesome experience of life. Without affection it is not possible to have a joyful life. There is no new wisdom. However, every age needs new forms to be able to receive it. This book shares wisdom in a gentle, loving, simple and colorful way. This book aspires to re-awaken that wise inner-child in each one of us, for our individual and collective well-being. This little but potent book intends to help rediscover the joy and wisdom that is already within us. The hope of this heartwork is to nourish your own wise heart on its journey towards more love and ‘leela’ (playfulness).
Our inner-child who is able to ‘Be’:
- Love: to fall in love with ourselves, to be love.
- Joy: to experience the joy of giving and sharing.
- Oneness: to notice the rapture of everyday inter-related existence, to be awareness.
- Wow-ness: to witness the world with a sense of awe, to be awe.
- Authenticity: to step off the social-treadmill and experience the world from within.
- Acceptance
- Allowing
- Breath
- Children
- Conflicts
- Delay
- Desires
- Destiny
- Disappointments
- Dreams
- Eating
- Emotions Alchemy
- Fear
- Feelings
- Grace
- Healing (forgives)
- Home
- Hope
- Imagination
- Inner-child
- Innocence
- Intuition
- Journey
- Language
- Letting-go
26. Life
27. Life-purpose
28. Love
29. Memory
30. Misunderstandings
31. Movement
32. Nature
33. Pain
34. Perspective
35. Prayers
36. Regrets
37. Relationships
38. Responsibilities
39. Self-expression
40. Self-work
41. Solitude
42. Tears & Laughter
43. Thankfulness
44. Transforming Emotions
45. Truth
46. Unexpected events
47. Vulnerability